
We aim for profitability, but we also intend to create value for people and the planet. In keeping with this aim, our strategy focuses on three aspects: People. Planet. Progress. These are our guideposts pointing us in the right direction.

Successful, sustainable management does not mean looking only one-dimensionally into the future. We want to achieve more.

Klemens Haselsteiner


Video on the 2030 strategy

STRABAG is the strongest force to build a better future.
We want more:

For people. For the planet. For progress.

On this basis, we have defined the following six key strategic topics:

Focus on employees

Global-local presence

Circular economy

Expertise in energy sector

Technology leadership

Depth of value creation

We have set ourselves ambitious targets for the current strategy period:

We are convinced that People. Planet. Progress. also makes us more successful economically. With this in mind, we are aiming for an EBIT margin of 6% by 2030.



More for people.

We build for people and with people. Each project creates added value for our colleagues and for society. In the first pillar of our Strategy 2030 – People. – we are focussing on the following core topics:

Focus on employees

We are taking an integrated approach to recruiting, training and rewarding our colleagues. We are committed to diversity, firmly convinced that more diverse teams perform better. We are also establishing an overarching learning culture and want to promote the efficient use of internal knowledge.

Global-local presence

We see expansion into international markets and consolidation as strong factors driving growth. For this reason, we promote decision-making competence at the local level so we can precisely understand the circumstances of the individual markets and manage them profitably.



More for the planet.

We are working to combat climate change – guided by our intention to make our projects climate neutral by 2040 and to intensify construction in the energy sector. The second pillar of our Strategy 2030 – Planet. – focuses on the following core topics:

Circular economy

We are expanding our expertise in the procurement and handling of construction materials as well as in deconstruction and recycling. This allows us to increase our resource efficiency continuously.

Expertise in energy sector

By cutting emissions associated with construction materials, processes and equipment from end to end, we are reducing our negative impacts on the environment. We are also implementing projects in the energy sector in order to profitably participate in the energy transition and build up the corresponding expertise.



More for progress.

We are a technology pioneer in construction. We think ahead, we engage in data-driven decision-making and we question the status quo in order to continuously develop new expertise. In the third pillar of our Strategy 2030 – Progress. – we are working on the following core topics:

Technology leadership

We are shaping the future of construction by employing new technologies. We develop in-house innovations to the point of market readiness, pursue partnerships and acquisitions, and strengthen our skills across the Group, especially in the field of data.

Depth of value creation

We strengthening our capabilities across the entire life cycle of our buildings, from design and construction to facility management and operation to demolition and deconstruction. Through earlier involvement, longstanding relationships and a wide range of services, we are continuously deepening our own value creation.